
Summer time!

Dakle došlo je ono godišnje doba koje najviše priželjkujemo i za koje kad dođe kažemo : " Ma daj ba, šta je ovo? Kad će kiša? ". To je ono godišnje doba kad kupujemo kupaće kostime online (čitaj onlajn) mjesecima unaprijed kako bi došlo na vrijeme; kad se haljinice, suknjice, šorcevi sa istim printom pojavljuje na svakoj drugoj djevojci jer eto baš taj...

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Something yellow, something blue

Kolike su šanse da dobijes ogroman debeo džemper u vrućim ljetnim danima a zapravo si želio samo jedan lagan 'kjut kardigan' za ljetnih kiša? Ako si ja, šanse su ogromne. No dobro, ipak će čekati do zime. Što se može? Paket sam dobila sa Rosegal stranice i to relativno brzo. Do dolaska na moju kućnu adresu proslo je nekih 15 dana a to...

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Yellow bikini

Hello everyone! Are you already done with spring and you just want to finally start the summer. I know that I do. So I was looking for some cute bikinis for summer and I found it on this page ROSEGAL. I want to be ready for summer with new bikini, because I threw away my old ones. Although I never wore before the...

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Like a teenage girl

Although, I am not teenager or little girl anymore I like to wear those things that makes me feel like I am younger. Well often people can't believe when I tell them that I am finishing my college. Maybe because I look younger or I just wear like that.Yap, I am not little girl anymore. However, I like to wear jeans, sneakers, cute...

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Prom time

Hello everyone! Currently we are in that time of the year - prom time. Prom not only means you need to find your perfect outfit; dress, shoes, purse etc. , plus you will spend a lot of money for that night and if that isn't enough, also you need to find (in some countries) your date / partner. In my country you don't...

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London feelings

Hello everyone!! Well I know this is another black/red outfit but I can't help it. I just love these colors. They are my safe zone. Also comfort zone, too. But I promise this is the last time where I wear these colors. Next time will be something different. Promise! Anyway I just wanted to show you this t-shirt I got . I really...

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Black heels

Hello dolls! I just wanted to show you these gorgeus pumps I ordered from Romwe.com. As you can see they are black and has long laces, so you can lace it around your legs . They are not that high so no fear. You can walk just fine. I ordered it in black color but I will get the brown ones, too. This...

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